Our Leadership

Steve Galt Portrait_small2Pastor Steve Galt

Steve was born and raised in Chanute and came to Christ as a young adult. Feeling called to pursue full-time ministry, Steve went on to attend Moody Bible Institute in Chicago where he earned his B.A. in Theology. He then earned an M.A. in Biblical Studies from Wheaton College Graduate School and a Master of Divinity from Luther Rice Seminary.

Steve served the Associate Pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Poughkeesie, NY. Prior to his tenure at Tabernacle, he served on the pastoral staff of Harvest Bible Chapel in the Chicago area. Steve is blessed with an amazing marriage to his wife, Stacy. They have two children, Hannah and Josiah.

Steve’s vision is to see new people coming to faith in Christ through a biblically faithful, gospel-centered, community-based, missionally-driven church in Chanute.

In his free time he enjoys hanging out with his amazing wife. He also enjoys camping, backpacking, shooting, cycling, playing the guitar, reading nerdy theology books, drinking coffee, and eating meat.